Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Press Release: NMS Cares spearheads sign language lessons for parents of Deaf kids

NMS Cares recognizes the importance of communication inside the home, especially when it comes to families with Deaf children. It is because of this that the organization has launched a learning program tailor fit for adults, specifically for parents of Deaf children, to kick off its Family Oneness Nurturing the Deaf (FOND) Program.
"This program provides an opportunity for the family, particularly for the parents, to be involved in the education and development of their Deaf child." Ara Paz Esperanza Villanueva, General Manager for NMSC points out.  "Moreover, the program also encourages the parents to be active participants and advocates for the Deaf community."

The parents are expected to learn the basics of local signs adapted from the American Sign Language and Filipino Sign Language. Additionally, there will also be lessons on Signing Exact English throughout the course. The 2-hour daily classes are also peppered with fun filled activities designed to help the parents get integrated into the Deaf world through signing. 

Yvonne Mia Celeste, the organization's External Deaf Education Coordinator is in-charge of the daily lessons. She also serves as an inspiration to the parents of Deaf kids, as she is proof that being profoundly Deaf is never a barrier.

"It is the responsibility of parents of Deaf children to learn how to do sign language for them to be able to communicate effectively with their children." New Media Services Pty. Ltd. CEO Martin Eyking was quoted to saying during his opening remarks last June 23, before NMSC formally started the lessons.

The Family Oneness Nurturing the Deaf (FOND) Program is just a one of the many projects that cater to families with Deaf children. Future projects include seminars on Deafness and open forums, home visits, family events geared toward strengthening the bond of Deaf children and their families, to name just a few.


Contact: Sarah Mamaril, Public Relations

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