Wednesday, March 25, 2015




MARCH 26, 2015, Baguio City - As part of the continuing effort of NMS Cares to use sports to educate, inspire and engage young Deaf individuals, the DREAM Program (Deaf Recreational Engagement Activity Movement)will be continuing its sports programs this coming summer. As summer offers the young students a break from their academics, it is a great time to let them venture into productive and engaging activities such as sports. The summer sports program will run for four weeks,under the facilitation of International Relations Officer, Max Eyking. Children aged 5-13 will be taught soccer, while the young adults aged 15-20 will be taught basketball. The program is structured in such a way that the students will be able to gain mastery in their chosen sport through hands-on learning. 



NMS CARES, INC. is a Philippine SEC-registered non-stock, non-profit association with a vision for Deaf children to reach their dreams. The organization fully commits to advocating for the Deaf children of the community while looking forward to expanding its service all throughout the less privileged young Deaf individuals in the Asia Pacific.

To know more about NMS CARES, please visit or email us at

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Recently concluded NMSC basic sign language workshop spawns potential interpreters



March 23, 2015, BAGUIO CITY - NMS Cares concluded its Basic Sign Language Workshop held at Helping Hands, Healing Hearts Ministries Children's Recovery Unit-Baguio City last March 20, 2015.

NMSC Basic Sign Language Workshop class from Helping Hands, Healing Hears Ministries - CRU
NMSC Basic Sign Language Workshop class from Children's Home

 Having completed months of training beginning October 22, 2014, the participants of the workshop comprising of volunteers from Helping Hands, Healing Hearts Ministries- CRU and Children’s Home were awarded individual certificates after completing an intensive workshop where they were taught the basics of sign language.” Aside from certificates of completion signed by NMSC founder, Martin Eyking, select members of the group also received certificates of recognition for showing exemplary skills in sign language.

For outstanding efforts in attendance and mastery of basic sign language, volunteers Eliza Bayasen, Karlo Tibio and Jeaneth Tibio were given certificates of recognition.

With the recommendation of Deaf Education Coordinators, Nicole Goliat and Yvonne Celeste, they are set to take their skills further through advanced sign language classes.  In this manner, the sign language workshop serves its purpose not only of teaching sign language to the hearing community, but also in pooling potential interpreters.

Helping Hand, Healing Hearts Ministries CRU volunteer, Karl Tibio expressing gratitude and delivering parting words through sign to Nicole Goliat who served as their facilitator.

The recently concluded workshop is part of the Family Oneness Nurturing the Deaf (FOND Program). The thrust of the FOND Program is to help strengthen the bond between Deaf child and his or her family members through constant communication. As Helping Hands Healing Hearts Ministries- CRU and Children’s Home both serve in fostering children and giving them a home, their newly acquired skill in using sign language would best benefit the Deaf children under their care. 

The volunteers of Helping Hands, Healing Hands Ministries CRU delivering an inspiring song in sign as a culmination of their sign language skills.
After finishing the basic sign language class, the volunteers are encouraged to take advanced sign language class, where they can continue to hone their skills in sign if they wish to volunteer as interpreters in the future.



NMS CARES, INC. is a Philippine SEC-registered non-stock, non-profit association with a vision for Deaf children to reach their dreams. The organization fully commits to advocating for the Deaf children of the community while looking forward to expanding its service all throughout the less privileged young Deaf individuals in the Asia Pacific.

To know more about NMS CARES, please visit or email us at